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Our products

Our products are sold to wholesale and direct manufacturing companies.
  • Garden tools

    Garden tools

    We manufacture nearly 20 different types of garden tools. The vast majority of them are produced through sheet metal stamping, machining, a small portion through welding, and then finished with powder coating.
  • Medical equipment

    Medical equipment

    Manufacturing of irrigation syringes in 100, 150, and 200 ml capacities has been our core business since our inception.
  • Stamped metal components

    Stamped metal components

    Our production facility supplies Western European markets with custom-made stamped and, in some cases, injection molded lighting parts. Galvanized finishes are available upon request.
  • Weaving machine parts

    Weaving machine parts

    We manufacture weaving machine parts for a German company using cutting-edge technology.
  •  Injection molded parts.

    Injection molded parts.

    Small-scale production of injection molded components for the lighting industry.

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